Monday, August 15, 2011

Need a partner...

I did an assesment of myself as to what are my chances to be succesfull in starting a business based on my personality and character. I learnt that I am one that needs a (business) partner for encouragement and movitation, one that needs someone to fill in gaps when I am not 100%. Then I reflect the past 5 years of my life as a full-time "stay-at-home" mother. Yes, I can see times when I am 105% motivated and encouraged, working late into nights creating and printing worksheets and activities to help my boys learn. Yes, I can see times when I draw out structure and plan my kids around my chores to make cooking and baking together fun. Yes, I can see times when I go to libraries and get children books only to enforce a particular subjects. I remember the parenting books I read that helped my make sense of babies, then toddlers, and pre-schoolers.

But also, yes, I can see the gap in between where, as much as I love my boys, I wanted a break. I can see periods where I rely on their kinder and learning centre to teach them good behaviour and academic skills. I can see times where I hoped exsposure to God and the Bible an hour in Sunday School a week will help them to grow to be good men.

I realise, regardless of what my "job" is at the moment, whether it is mothering, coordinating Sunday School, or paid... I would always need to surround myself with people that could empower me, encourage me, and cheer me on when I am not 100%. As embarassing it is for me to admit, I rely on great relationship with inspiring people.
I do pray, that when I am at my 105%, I too in turn can do my share in encouraging, inspiring, and empowering my fellow mother friends. It is a big job being a mom, and we all struggle to be a good one. Blessings.

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