Monday, March 1, 2010

Plagiocephaly: Before and After

Almost perfect....

At his 3 months follow-up check, we can already see great improvements to the shape of his head. It is still not rounded, but I was already happy with the shape of his head. The September weather has started to get warmer, and Niel’s sweat collated inside his helmet made his head releases an odour similar to those of smelly feet. We decided to discontinue the therapy then. We realize that his head shape put probably stay pretty much as it is when we decided to take the helmet off, but I hope he’ll have more hair than his dad, and that would cover up any imperfections.

The photo on the top is taken before the helmet therapy at 7 months old. On the left is Niel at 15 months old. Not too bad for 3 months worth of helmet wearing… I personally think that he is gorgeous, but then, I am his mom. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow there is a real difference there Marina - his head looks completely normal to me!
