Pregnancy is certainly one of the most exciting events, a beginning of a new journey in your life. You are just about to add another member to your family. If this is your first pregnancy, especially if it has been through a long wait, the excitement and exhilaration doubles. You probably have a lot of questions to what to expect during pregnancy stages, how your baby is growing and how your body is changing to accommodate your baby, what you should or shouldn’t eat, where to give birth, when you can find out about the baby’s gender, where will the baby sleep in, and the list goes on.
On the other hand, you may be nauseated and very tired. The focus is on the baby so much, it become very easy to overlook caring for your pregnant body. If you think about it, with all of the stretching and contorting going on in your pregnant body, you must learn how to manage your body properly as well as keep it strong and centered.
Post pregnancy weight and getting the pre-pregnancy figure will probably be least that worries you at this stage, but knowing what you can do to speed up getting your figure back will boost self confidence when you need it most after having your baby.
1. Smart food choice to feed your baby not your thighs
Eating healthy and safely is important no matter what stage of pregnancy you are at. During the early stage and the late stage of a pregnancy you may not be able to eat much at all, due to nausea at the early stage, and simply feeling bloated towards the end of the pregnancy. Every spoonful counts! Think about what you are eating, if it doesn’t benefit your baby, don’t eat it so you can fit in healthy nutritious choices that benefits your baby.
2. Pelvic Floor exercise
One of the most important exercises during pregnancy and birth recovery is the Kegels or pelvic floor exercise. Strong pelvic floor muscles will ease the delivery process and prevent incontinence.
3. Strengthen your core muscles
Exercise to strengthening abdomen muscles will speed getting back into shape after delivery. Towards the end of your pregnancy, your posture may change as you to tilt back to balance the baby’s weight on your front. Simple exercise can strengthen your back muscles, will prevent back pains and improve your posture.
By keeping these simple things in mind while you are pregnant, you can be confident that your body will be in optimal shape during delivery and quick recovery is will be expected.
When I was pregnant with Malakai, I gained 25kg during pregnancy. Malakai was born 3.4kg, and it took me 12 months to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. With the twins, I watched my diet more closely than ever because I fear that they may not get enough nutrition should I eat too much "junk". I also gained 25kg during the pregnancy (but with 2 babies), the babies were born at a healthy weight of 2.8kg each, and I got back to my pre-pregnancy weight within 6 months.
More resources:
Pregnancy without Pounds by Michelle Moss. Discover how to avoid gaining extra pregnancy weight and learn what foods you and your baby need for optimal health.
What to Expect When You're Expecting: 4th Edition
Pregnancy: Avoiding extra pregnancy weight and Keeping in Shape
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