Friday, May 28, 2010

A Night Out

First Date...

My husband and I haven’t been on a date for at least three and a half year, since Malakai was born.  Although we have trained our kids to be in bed, in their rooms, by 7 pm, we would never leave the boys at home without an adult present.  We have been quite content with our plenty of movie nights, 3-course-dinner nights, and game nights, always done at home.  (It is cheaper too!)

Prince of Persia: The Sands of TimeStaying at our parents’ home during this trip clearly has its advantages.   Not just we simply always wake up with a banquet of our favorite childhood food laid out on the table; we also get to sneak out at night after our children’s bed time.  Most of the times, all we do are just errands and supermarket grocery shopping.  Tonight, we decided to pass shopping for milk and go to the movies instead.
It is our first movie day out in a really long time, and we were behaving like giddy high-school-ers on a movie date: taking photos of ourselves and giggling all the time.

Prince of Persia is obviously not a romantic movie, but I would never really go for mushy romantics or dramas in cinemas.  For me, why not make most of the big screen and the sound system by watching some action packed movie with hot actors?!